GRU Civil Spaceship Classification
Orbital Vehicles: Small craft whose main purpose is to get into an orbital trajectory over a body. These include Spaceplanes and Vertical Launch Vehicles (VLV).
Spaceplanes are large, high speed aircraft capable of flying into low orbit. Spaceplanes are long and slender, with wings being variable or delta in design. They have a mixed powerplant with afterburning turbojet engines and at least one rocket engine. Spaceplanes take off from a large runway, typically in a prograde motion, and fly to a cruising altitude. Once at altitude, they are refueled by a supporting turbofan aircraft. The spaceplane then climbs to a specified altitude and accelerates in afterburner to acheive a velocity as fast as possible. It then begins a climb to establish a suborbital trajectory. As it climbs out of the atmosphere, it engages its rocket engines, which provides thrust as the air breathing engines flameout as the air thins. It then establishes a low orbit and redenvous with a designated ship or orbital station.
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