info Overview
Name - What's the name of this technology?

Human Digitization

Other Names - What other names is Human Digitization known by?

(The) Big Upload

Description - How would you describe Human Digitization?

Digitalizing a human consciousness into an AI. The human body is severed from the consciousness as a result, but the AI can be duplicated and inserted into android bodies.

build Production
Cost - How much does Human Digitization cost?

Disposal of human physical body, Immortality tax

Materials - What materials is Human Digitization made with?

Human body, digitization machine, cloud storage

speaker_phone Use
Resources Used - What resources does Human Digitization use?

Electricity, cloud storage

sd_card Appearance
Weight - How much does Human Digitization weigh on average?

Varies, depending on storage unit(s)

history Changelog
Technology chevron_right Parent technologies link linked Human Digitization

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