Combined Operations Autonomous Resupply System (COARS)
The COARS is used to assist in the resupply of deployed forces.
COARS was developed early in AAF, with a change in doctrine following lessons learned in the Second Porcine War and the earlier Iapsis Annexation.
Previously, deployed resupply was mostly a strategic level mechanism. A Naval Starship fleet in orbit would create land bases to sustain ground forces.
After the successful defense of many GRU planets against Porcine invasion due to ground based strategic defenses and in-atmosphere aircraft, the GRU and later AAF reevaluated their own offensive strategy.
During the Second Porcine War, many Porcine Naval Spaceship landing attempts were thwared by stiff resistance by non naval forces. The few that did manage to land and deploy their ground forces quickly developed logistical problems. The lack of infrastructure in most landing zones meant that supply bases and routes had to be built from the ground up, an incredibly difficult task for an invading force. The inability to effectively transfer supplies from the naval force to the ground forces stalled the invasion and ultimately led to the Porcine's defeat.
The new AAF strategy involved a multistep plan encompassing joint Naval Space, Naval Air, and ground forces maneuvers. Once space superiority was achieved, NAS-H(X)-CV Battle class, a class of newly developed flying aircraft carriers, would be deployed along with conventional landing craft to begin the invasion. The NAS-H(X)-CV Battle class would ensure air superiority and cover the landing craft while they deploy.
COARS is what keeps the post deployment supply advantage for the AAF. Using an intelligent automated supply request system, COARS dispatches VTOL drones to directly resupply soldiers and vehicles in the field, forgoing all ground based transportation.
Even though COARS doesn't explicitly need additional supply bases, it can be advantageous to have them. The establishment of forward supply bases allows the stockpiling of material closer to where to may be needed, allowing for shorter resupply times and more efficient use of COARS drones. In addition, since the system is aircraft based, ground supply points are not required to be road accessible. Bases can be made on islands, forest clearings, mountains, or even in wetlands. The AAF has many deployable prefabricated structures for use with COARS supply bases. As long as there is enough flat space to fit the structures they need, COARS bases can be built anywhere.
COARS uses a fleet of autonomous drones to resupply deployed forces.
This technology was created by GRUsturmovik on
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