info Overview
Name - What's the name of this technology?


Description - How would you describe Sandship?

A boat for sand

build Production
Materials - What materials is Sandship made with?

Wood, dragon bone, metal, fabric, rope

Manufacturing Process - How is Sandship produced and manufactured?

Shipyards build and produce innovations in the dry climate of the Shiara Desert. Primarily wood body with dragon bone supports and outriggers, cloth sails, and metal joints to keep everything solid, along with attachment points for weapons like ballistae and cannons.

Sales Process - How is Sandship sold?

Primarily marketed towards hunters and the Hunters Guild, you can either tour the shipyard or receive a catalog from the company itself.

Cost - How much does Sandship cost?

Usually around 100 gold to purchase one, but you can rent per day for 25 gold. A nice one can set you back around 150-400, anything above 400 is a sandyacht, and massive cargo ships like the Caravan uses cost thousands.

blur_on Presence
Rarity - How rare (or common) is Sandship?

Most hunters can afford a small 4-man vessel, but anything above that is either a great birthday gift or something the Hunters Guild employs.

speaker_phone Use
Purpose - What is Sandship used for?

Fast travel across the Shiara Desert, along with providing a platform for exploration and hunting.

How It Works - How does Sandship work?

Like a mix between a sailboat and a toboggan.

sd_card Appearance
Physical Description - What does Sandship look like?

Most small ones look like catboats, but the better, more expensive ones have more or larger sails to move faster. Hunter vessels are usually large and have a single sail but are decked out in weapons. Really nice ones even have Dragonators and gongs attached to them!

Size - How big is Sandship on average?

Anywhere from 18-400 feet long, with the masts scaling in size and number proportionally.

Colors - What colors are Sandship usually?

Colors are discouraged, mostly because it's a pain in the ass to have to repaint the ship every month or so depending on the winds and general use. You're better off replacing materials or staining the wood, but that's also very expensive.

edit Notes

This technology was created by @Yamatsu on

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