info Overview
Name - What's the name of this technology?

Magic Conductor

Other Names - What other names is Magic Conductor known by?


Description - How would you describe Magic Conductor?

Conductors of magic, can come in any form but often as something wearable such as rings.

build Production
Sales Process - How is Magic Conductor sold?

Like oil, it requires specialized companies

Materials - What materials is Magic Conductor made with?

Yi, enchantable material (i.e., bronze, gems)

Manufacturing Process - How is Magic Conductor produced and manufactured?

Yi is drilled from the earth and then burned into the material it is to be bonded with.

Cost - How much does Magic Conductor cost?

Depending on what it's bonded to and where it's from, it can be very cheap or very expensive. Yi drilled from the ocean and Leos is the most expensive.

blur_on Presence
Rarity - How rare (or common) is Magic Conductor?


speaker_phone Use
Resources Used - What resources does Magic Conductor use?


Purpose - What is Magic Conductor used for?

To allow people to access and use magic

How It Works - How does Magic Conductor work?

There is only a certain amount of Yi stored in a device. It can be accessed and used for as wide a range of purposes as the user is able to think up, so long as there's enough magic to conduct it.

sd_card Appearance
history Changelog
edit Notes
Government chevron_right Technologies link linked Magic Conductor

Character chevron_right Technologies link linked Magic Conductor

This technology was created by Noodle on

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