info Overview
Name - What's the name of this technology?

RAID amps

Other Names - What other names is RAID amps known by?

Another name for a RAID amp is A Motherfucking, uh, Thingy.

Description - How would you describe RAID amps?

Either a booster for your RAID suit, or it gives you a new temporary ability

build Production
Materials - What materials is RAID amps made with?

Seraphim tech and energy, metal and circles.

Cost - How much does RAID amps cost?

Same amount the RAID suit would cost.
Yes, it is that valuable.

Sales Process - How is RAID amps sold?

Sold to RAID occupants

blur_on Presence
Rarity - How rare (or common) is RAID amps?

Extremely rare, if not bought for Military



speaker_phone Use
Resources Used - What resources does RAID amps use?

Seraphim energy and a spot to insert amp.

How It Works - How does RAID amps work?

It channels to certain part of the suit with the Seraphim energy, activating new parts of the suit

Purpose - What is RAID amps used for?

RAID amps are either used to support the team with a shield or an adrenaline/Aggro boost, but other amps consist of temporary weapon upgrades, different weapons, or abilities that are otherwise impossible to be used with a human body alone.

sd_card Appearance
Physical Description - What does RAID amps look like?

A serrated disc with more insignia carvings, with a certain light to signify which amp it is (purple for orb shield thing, blue for wicked lasers, orange for fiery ram, etc)

Colors - What colors are RAID amps usually?

Black circle, with a certain glow in the middle and the edges

Weight - How much does RAID amps weigh on average?

5 lbs

Size - How big is RAID amps on average?

4 inches in diameter

history Changelog
edit Notes
Technology chevron_right Child technologies link linked RAID amps

Technology chevron_right Related technologies link linked RAID amps

This technology was created by James Hudson on

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