info Overview
Name - What is the name of Attack on Formoria?

Attack on Formoria

Summary - In short, what happens in Attack on Formoria?

It’s either Earth or the final push against the Formorians. John chooses to end their crusade, to eliminate the Seraphim’s right hand.

gesture Action
Results - At the end of Attack on Formoria, what has changed?

Grace puts John’s life before hers and gives him her helmet when they are sucked out into space. Grace dies in the process, and John is left in his own rage against Vercy as the fleet wipes our the rest of the Formorians. The battle ends with Vercy bludgeoned and killed, but they all depart the battle zone with all but one member of the team: Grace.
The next day, they find out that because they didn’t protect Earth from a Seraphim attack, Earth is completely obliterated.

What caused this? - What previous events led to Attack on Formoria?

The Formorians were going to lead an attack on Sanctuary, and it was up to the RAID and a fleet to stop them.

Description - What happens in Attack on Formoria?

Fortunately, the fleet digs deep into the Formorians army and manages to destroy plenty of their army. John and Grace take on their flagship to kill their leader, their prophet: Vercy. Unfortunately, this battle does not go as it was planned.

history Changelog
edit Notes

This scene was created by James Hudson on

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