info Overview
Name - What is The Divines's name?

The Divines

Description - How is The Divines usually described?

These follow only the Nine Gods, each temple in the world to a specific God

import_contacts History
forum Beliefs
Places of worship - Where does The Divines worship happen?

Each God has either a temple or school. Most people can't make it to all of them, but at least try to make it to one.

Worship services - What kind of worship services are common with The Divines?

You have ultra devout singing praises, but the average person says a small prayer before a big event.

Obligations - What kinds of obligations are required of those who practice The Divines?

To never disown the Divines. Unless you want to be smote.

Vision of paradise - What does the The Divines vision of paradise look like?

The world is what the Gods wanted to be their paradise. but slowly they are losing control.

account_balance Traditions
Rituals - What rituals are common with The Divines?

varies from god to god

Holidays - What are the The Divines holidays?

Each solstice

Initiation process - What does the The Divines initiation process entail?

The stories your told when your young

history Changelog
edit Notes

This religion was created by BriBriDoo on

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