info Overview
Name - What is The Way of Arkana's name?

The Way of Arkana

Other names - What other names is The Way of Arkana known by?

The True Way

Description - How is The Way of Arkana usually described?

The basic pillar of where Wicca and Fae derive their powers from

import_contacts History
Origin story - How did The Way of Arkana first come into existence?

It began during the very beginnings of Arkana being used and discovered and was bestowed upon the Fae and Wicca by the Great Four Beasts.

forum Beliefs
Prophecies - What prophecies does The Way of Arkana teach?

"One born of Strength and Wisdom shall bring back The True Way"

Teachings - What values does The Way of Arkana teach?

To respect the natural balance of the world and all of its inhabitants.

Places of worship - Where does The Way of Arkana worship happen?

Physical manifistations of Arkana called Mana Crystals are where temples and the like are placed.

Worship services - What kind of worship services are common with The Way of Arkana?

Prayers to the Great Beasts of Arkana for granting the gift of magic.

Obligations - What kinds of obligations are required of those who practice The Way of Arkana?

Just to use arkana responsibly and not to be come power hungry

Vision of paradise - What does the The Way of Arkana vision of paradise look like?

For Fae and Wicca to coexist and use both of their abilities for the benefit of all.

account_balance Traditions
Rituals - What rituals are common with The Way of Arkana?

Planting runic trees in prime locations and helping spread knowledge.

Holidays - What are the The Way of Arkana holidays?


Initiation process - What does the The Way of Arkana initiation process entail?

There is no process, most Wicca and Fae are born into it and continue to learn from it.

location_on Spread
Practicing races

history Changelog
edit Notes

This religion was created by Alona on

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