info Overview
Name - What is Mayhism's name?


Description - How is Mayhism usually described?

Ancient and Loving

import_contacts History
forum Beliefs
Teachings - What values does Mayhism teach?

Love and kindness are deserved by all, even if an individual doesn't think the same.

Places of worship - Where does Mayhism worship happen?

Harmony Falls and the Temple of the Goddesses

Worship services - What kind of worship services are common with Mayhism?

Medium gatherings of people meeting to pray each day.

Obligations - What kinds of obligations are required of those who practice Mayhism?

Praying once a day to each goddess on each Moonsday

Vision of paradise - What does the Mayhism vision of paradise look like?

A world where one finds peace and love, and is able to reconnect with those they have lost.

account_balance Traditions
Rituals - What rituals are common with Mayhism?

Funeral Pyres, Birthing Rituals

Holidays - What are the Mayhism holidays?

Viitmat, the month of fasting; Venday, the day of magic celebration; Vitaday, the Festival of Light; Libiday, the day to remember those lost

Initiation process - What does the Mayhism initiation process entail?

Learning about the scripture, and possibly wearing a headscarf or other covering if one so chooses

location_on Spread
Practicing races

Practicing locations

history Changelog
edit Notes
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