info Overview
Name - What is Sileni - Nova's name?

Sileni - Nova

Description - How is Sileni - Nova usually described?

A poly-theistic pagan-esque religion. Based on the principles of nature and purity.

import_contacts History
Origin story - How did Sileni - Nova first come into existence?

The world was created by order coming from chaos, and humans were made from stars.

forum Beliefs
Obligations - What kinds of obligations are required of those who practice Sileni - Nova?

To attend all celebrations, and temple at least once a month, as well as daily meditation.

Vision of paradise - What does the Sileni - Nova vision of paradise look like?

See prophecies

Teachings - What values does Sileni - Nova teach?

Focused on community fellowship, avoiding impurity, and to a lesser degree, enlightenment. On a personal level, people focus on freedom from corruption, avoiding divine wrath, and sometimes harmony with nature.

Prophecies - What prophecies does Sileni - Nova teach?

Life after death is incomprehensible to the living, although minor sects say the afterlife is a peaceful place. The stars are all of the people who have found peace.

Places of worship - Where does Sileni - Nova worship happen?

Temples, generally local, thought the important temples are located in specific sentimental locations

Worship services - What kind of worship services are common with Sileni - Nova?

Gold line down the forehead as a form of purification after sining, meditation, blessings for birth, marriage, and homes, readings of holy texts.

account_balance Traditions
Initiation process - What does the Sileni - Nova initiation process entail?

Blessing at birth or when you choose to follow the religion.

Holidays - What are the Sileni - Nova holidays?

There are nine major celebrations, each attributed to a change in the environment. Like pagan sabbats.

Rituals - What rituals are common with Sileni - Nova?

Rituals are usually informal, public, and take place at a specific shrine/temple.
Preparation involves reciting certain words, gold lines of forehead, and bathing. Rituals include dancing, meditation, sometimes an archaic language. Rituals usually begin at night under the stars

location_on Spread
Practicing races

history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Deities
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