info Overview
Name - What is Vatra'tor's name?


Other names - What other names is Vatra'tor known by?


Description - How is Vatra'tor usually described?

The Gerudo-exclusive religion of worshiping the ancestors both familial and tribal.

import_contacts History
Origin story - How did Vatra'tor first come into existence?

After Calamity Ganon nearly destroyed the Gerudo several times over the years, they abandoned their faith in the Divine and turned to the spirits of their ancestors for guidance instead.

forum Beliefs
Obligations - What kinds of obligations are required of those who practice Vatra'tor?

Followers of Vatra'torq are obligated to appease their ancestors in anyway that doesn't directly contradict the law (which coincidentally appeases the heroines and Nabooru). The ancestors are appeased depending on what ideals they held during life. For example, when worshiping the spirit of one's grandmother who valued greeting strangers, one would be obligated to also greet strangers.

Vision of paradise - What does the Vatra'tor vision of paradise look like?

Paradise is joining one's ancestors in heaven and watching over and protecting one's descendants.

Teachings - What values does Vatra'tor teach?

While individuals worship their own personal ancestors, the closest the religion has to dieties are the spirits of the seven (or eight) heroines and the ancient sage Nabooru who helped to defeat Ganon when he first rose to power.

Vatra'torq teaches that those who come before you are to be respected and feared, and that they have the power to appeal to the Divine on your behalf, so it is always necessary to appease them.

Places of worship - Where does Vatra'tor worship happen?

Generally at home, although a special worship service is held in front of Gerudo Town's palace every week.

Worship services - What kind of worship services are common with Vatra'tor?

Every Khall'aaq (the Hylian calender equivalent of either Earthday or Rainday), a mass worship service is conducted by the chieftain to collectively worship the Great Nabooru and the Heroines that every Gerudo in Gerudo Town is required to attend. During this time, all non-Gerudo in town are instructed to stay indoors. Outsiders are only allowed to observe (but not participate) in the service with express permission from the chieftain.

Gerudo who don't live in Gerudo Town are encouraged to reenact this special ceremony in their homes as best they can where they isolate themselves and pray to the ancestors. It is also encouraged that they travel back to Gerudo Town to participate in at least one official service every year.

account_balance Traditions
Initiation process - What does the Vatra'tor initiation process entail?

Only Gerudo are allowed to practice this religion, and they are automatically born into it.

Holidays - What are the Vatra'tor holidays?

Khall'aaq and the Feast of Appeasement

Naboor'aaq (literally translates to Nabooru Day; a day that celebrates the life of Lady Nabooru)

Vatnu Ve'vivi (literally translates to the Festival of the Seven)

Vatnu Vatra (Festival of the Ancestors)

Rituals - What rituals are common with Vatra'tor?

It is tradition for a "batava", also known as a will of appeasement, to be left behind after family members pass so that descendants know exactly what they must do to appease the spirit of family members whom have passed on.

The Gerudo feast for the ceremony every Khall'aaq, starting at sundown on Mand'aaq and broken at sundown with the Feast of Appeasement.

location_on Spread
Practicing locations

Practicing races

history Changelog
edit Notes
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