info Overview
Name - What is Verdrét 's name?


Description - How is Verdrét usually described?

Strict religon

Other names - What other names is Verdrét known by?


date_range History
Origin story - How did Verdrét first come into existence?


forum Beliefs
Teachings - What values does Verdrét teach?

Respect, authenticity, Compassion, excellence.

Prophecies - What prophecies does Verdrét teach?


Places of worship - Where does Verdrét worship happen?

Temples or open spaces where the sun can get to.

Worship services - What kind of worship services are common with Verdrét ?

They go to prîer (church) every Friday evening.

Obligations - What kinds of obligations are required of those who practice Verdrét ?

They can’t eat chicken

Vision of paradise - What does the Verdrét vision of paradise look like?


account_balance Traditions
Initiation process - What does the Verdrét initiation process entail?

Kneeling on the ground and saying prayers

Rituals - What rituals are common with Verdrét ?

Saying prayer when you wake up

Holidays - What are the Verdrét holidays?

Ceutî is the holiday of celebrating dead people and it is held on the 29th of August.

Traditions - What traditions are common with Verdrét ?


edit Notes
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Country chevron_right Religions link linked Verdrét

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