info Overview
Name - What is Regini (actual name undecided) named?

Regini (actual name undecided)

face Looks
General height - How tall is the average Regini (actual name undecided)?

They tend on the shorter 4' side, with heights in the 5' range being particularly tall, but heights in the 3' range being distinctly little

Skin colors - What skin color(s) are common on the Regini (actual name undecided) race?

Varying tones between pale and dark of human-variety browns and pinks, though with a noticeable pearlescence that comes with their exposure to unfiltered Threads

Physical variance - How much variance is there between individuals of the Regini (actual name undecided) race?

Not a ton of sexual dimorphism- Regini are notably androgynous in appearance

Notable features - What physical features on a Regini (actual name undecided) are most noticeable?

  • Aforementioned opalescent skin

fingerprint Traits
groups Culture
Governments - What governments are common with the Regini (actual name undecided)?
import_contacts History
history Changelog
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Notes link mentioned Regini (actual name undecided)

Character chevron_right Linked Races link linked Regini (actual name undecided)

Character chevron_right Race link mentioned Regini (actual name undecided)

This race was created by Zoë Jacks on

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