Orca Drake
Orcinus dracus is a species of intelligent semi-aquatic mammal that has reptile-like traits. their markings bear resembilence to the Cetacean Orcinus orca.
Orca Dragon, Orca Drake, Whale Dragon,
Black and white
15 feet
4 tons
their powerful swimming and running capibilities
not too much but still enough that its noticeable
usually none
Very agile and strong
Big size
Fishing and sailing and other water based jobs
A grand feast towards the end of the year
Common human ones
Spino Space Federation and CCC
Advanced spearguns
Water based jobs
Quite good
Seals, Tuna, Shark, Salmon
Sharing items with eachother
Learning how to be more compatible with different species on the planet
This race was created by Johnny Swem on Notebook.ai.
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