info Overview
Name - What is Fairy named?


Description - How would you describe Fairy's people?

Small, reclusive, humanoid, the fairies are the race most connected to nature. They derive their powers from the Great Queen, and live far longer than any other natural creature.

Pure fairies are created from flora, and are the most related with nature. They are born with the changing of seasons, and named by the Great Queen. Instead of a seed, the plant will create a fairy, which will be born when its flower blooms. Pure fairies easily communicate with both fauna and flora, tho most are specialized more in one than in the other.

Wish fairies derive from natural objects (sticks, pebbles, water droplets, etc.). They can come to being via strong self desires, be it from rational or irrational creatures. Wishes can come from hunger, thirst, longing, desire for knowledge, mating, fear, etc.

Emotion fairies derive from food. These are fairies created through the strong emotions of sapient creatures. They are most of the times accidental creations too, due to the strong emotion being something the creator cannot control. They can come from love, happiness, despair, anger, lust, disgust, etc.

Other names - What other names do Fairy have?

Faeries, pixies

face Looks
Body shape - What does the average Fairy body shape look like?

Fairies are humanoid, and can come in any kind of body type, from slim to burly.

Skin colors - What skin color(s) are common on the Fairy race?

Fairies can come in any kind of skin color. Some even have unnatural skin colors, but these are always unsaturated (a fairy can have light blue skin color, but never neon blue).

General height - How tall is the average Fairy?

Fairies range from 5cm to 25cm. The smaller fairies reside in warmer climates, while the larger ones in colder temperatures.

General weight - How heavy is the average Fairy?

A fairy's weight is proportional to its size, tho some can be a bit more chubby or a bit more skinny.

Notable features - What physical features on a Fairy are most noticeable?

Fairies possess insect-like wings that help them move through the air at great speeds. These are almost transparent, with a light tone matching their eye color. They spend most of their lives flying. A fairy without wings is considered dead weight by most other fairies.

Fairies also possess pointed ears, which are more mobile than a human's.

A fairy's insides hold their true nature. Pure fairies have their insides mossy and full of small plants. Wish fairies' insides are pure dark, except for their heart which shines like a star. Emotion fairies have insides matching the food they resemble (example: if a fairy's food is apple, their insides are like an apple's core, with the flesh and organs resembling the fruit's own flesh, seed and juice).

Fairies' genitalia varies for each type of fairy, but none of them resemble a human's. They also don't have the ability to reproduce through intercourse, such action leading to something other than an offspring.

Pure Fairies have what plants have: both anthers and stigmas. Around these, fleshy bits resembling flower petals are present. When a pure fairy's genitals touch anotherĀ“s, the pollen is shared, and the fairies end up carrying seeds of each other. After some time of growing inside their host, the seeds will burst through the fairy's back, in small seedlings. The fairy can choose to then transplant these seedlings into the earth, or raise them longer, tho the longer the fairy allows this, the shorter their lifespan becomes. Plants that grow on the backs of fairies can do so by draining their life energy. There have been cases of fairies perishing, who refused to have their plants transplanted, having their bodies dissolve into the soil where they laid for the last time.

Wish Fairies' genitalia more closely resembles human, but still differs in that intercourse does not lead to reproduction. These fairies have what is called by them as "Key and Lock", where a fairy both has a "key" bit and a "lock" bit. When intercourse is desired, the fairies decide who will use their key and who will use their lock, and once that's determined, one is inserted into the other, the inserting one "locking" themselves into the receiver's lock after some movement. It is said that, when two wish fairies lock, the key used must be detached from their owner in order for them to separate, something that can be quite unpleasant for some key holders who wish to maintain their key. It is also why wish fairies aren't too keen on physical relations with other wish fairies.

Emotion Fairies have less complications when it comes to intercourse. Their genitals are the most human resembling ones, with merely some color, shape, texture and flavor/scent changes to it. It is the only fairy variant that doesn't possess two different genitalia in one single individual. Meaning that some fairies have shafts, and some fairies have slits. The fluids released during intercourse, much like the last two fairy types, don't lead to reproduction. Said fluids are also related to the food the fairy is associated with (example: a grape fairy with expel grape juice/wine, a meat fairy will expel blood, a gummy fairy will expel caramel, etc.).

Physical variance - How much variance is there between individuals of the Fairy race?

Wing shapes can vary from fairy to fairy. One can have small, stubby wings, another long and slender ones. Nonetheless, both can still fly. Only the nonexistence/destruction of wings can take away their flight.

Typical clothing - What kind of clothing is common with Fairy individuals?

Fairies can use any type of clothing they desire, even no clothing at all. Some fairies prefer more ornate clothing, while others dress with just leaves.

fingerprint Traits
Strengths - What are the strengths of Fairy?

Fairies are generally good fliers. They're speedy and agile in flight, easily evading any kind of captor or obstacle.

Weaknesses - What are the weaknesses of Fairy?

Being good at flying, fairies are especially vulnerable when landed. With the world around them not built for their size, being grounded is both tiring and dangerous.

Conditions - What conditions are common with Fairy?

Being beings of nature, fairies are more susceptible to changes in their environment than most other creatures. A fairy living in a natural environment tends to be happier and healthier than a fairy that lives in a polluted environment.

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