info Overview
Name - What is Geovese named?


Description - How would you describe Geovese's people?

The Geovese are an extremely kind race of tall and strong, and very peaceful people. They come from the Whitehaven Peaks, which are filled with rich deposits of expensive ores and minerals. The Geovese have made their homes, both on the mountains and in large, complex cave networks below them.

They are incredibly smart and cunning builders. They use telling combined with technology and engineering for some insane structures and devices that can change reality itself. They are capable of moving mountains, creating magic barriers, and other amazing things.

Other names - What other names do Geovese have?

They are also known as "The Great Architects", and "The Masons" because of their beautiful buildings.

face Looks
Body shape - What does the average Geovese body shape look like?

The Geovese are a race of tall and strong people. Their history of building and constructing under ground has given them muscular bodies. One thing they are known for body wise, is that on average, their race has tubby stomachs; which have developed due to their strong, healthy appetites and constant strength.

Skin colors - What skin color(s) are common on the Geovese race?

Geovese skin tones are quite dark, their lives spent working underground has stained their skin over time. Making them look as if they are covered in dust constantly.

General height - How tall is the average Geovese?

On average, Geovese stand between 7 and 8 feet tall, though some can be a little shorter (between 6 and 7 feet), and the very few super tall specimen can be as tall as an Eron. The absolute maximum height a member of the race could grow to is 9 feet.

General weight - How heavy is the average Geovese?

Due to their muscular mass, Geovese are a rather heavy set race. Weighing in at around 150 Irons (1 Iron being about the equilivant to 2.13 Lbs).

Notable features - What physical features on a Geovese are most noticeable?

Geovese are known for many different things, from the fact that on average, they have large stomachs and large appetites, to their eyes. Geovese are most known for the fact that their eyes have been replaced by crystals of varying colors. This allows them to not only see outside the visible light spectrum, but also causes their eyes to glow when they experience blunt force or stress.

Physical variance - How much variance is there between individuals of the Geovese race?

One of the most notable variances between Geovese is the crystals that they have for eyes. Each Geovese not only has a different color of crystal, but a different shape and type. There are many different types of crystals Geovese can have for eyes, from red rubies, to blue sapphires; or even sparkling opals.

Typical clothing - What kind of clothing is common with Geovese individuals?

Geovese prefer heavier, and more ornate clothing. Utilizing expensive silks that they make out of rare metals to form complex patterns and symbols that tell not only personal stories but family stories as well.

In times of war, they use variations of these complex patterns on their armor to tell of their achievements not only in war but in life as well.

fingerprint Traits
Strengths - What are the strengths of Geovese?

Over the past centuries, Geovese have developed their Telling arts to be focused in moving and shaping earth.

colorize Utilized Fighting Styles
groups Culture
date_range History
edit Notes

This race was created by Octavio, Patron of Storytelling on

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