info Overview
Name - What is Half-Orc named?


Description - How would you describe Half-Orc's people?

Half-Orcs are a determined and powerful race, known for their endurance and their love of music and dance. They age quickly, living to around 75 and are considered adults when they reach 20.

face Looks
Notable features - What physical features on a Half-Orc are most noticeable?

• Half-Orcs often inherit the prominent teeth and pointed ears of their orcish heritage.
• They may be scarred if they have lived in orc societies, or if they adopt orcish traditions of ritual scarring.
• They may speak Common or other languages with an orcish accent if raised by orcs; alternatively, if raised by humans they may speak Orc with a human accent. This would sound soft and rounded on the consonants.

Skin colors - What skin color(s) are common on the Half-Orc race?

Greyish pigmentations.

Body types

Between 180-250lb; they are powerfully built.

fingerprint Traits
Traits and Abilities

Like orcs, they may sway towards a chaotic leaning.

Strengths - What are the strengths of Half-Orc?

• Half-Orcs feel emotions strongly, which can make them passionate and dedicated.
• They have a great love for music and for dance.
• They value community strongly. They have a community spirit and will share with the group; individual property is group property. They are usually very social within their tribes and societies. They are very loyal to those they consider family or friends, and can be fiercely protective.
• Strength of character is admired.
• They appreciate the simple life; they are practical and care little for ostentation or riches.
• They are forthright and to-the-point.

They can speak Common and Orc.

Weaknesses - What are the weaknesses of Half-Orc?

• Whilst their forthright attitudes can be a strength, they can be very blunt.
• They can feel very passionately, meaning they may act impulsively.
• They often lack sympathy for those of weak character. They may also lack sympathy for those physically weaker than them; or they may feel protective towards them.

groups Culture
Governments - What governments are common with the Half-Orc?

Half-Orcs may live among orcs or humans. They may feel their need to prove themselves to either society, and may fight to find a place.

date_range History
history Changelog
edit Notes
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