info Overview
Name - What is Gnome named?


Description - How would you describe Gnome's people?

Gnomes are a cheerful and playful race known for their inventiveness and their creativity. They can live between 300 and 500 years and are considered mature around 40.
There are three subraces of gnome; forest, rock, and the Svirfneblin (deep gnomes).

face Looks
Typical clothing - What kind of clothing is common with Gnome individuals?

Gnomes express their personalities in their clothes. They favour earth tones and elaborate decorations, jewellery, and embroidery.

Notable features - What physical features on a Gnome are most noticeable?

Gnomes often have very large noses and pointed ears.

Skin colors - What skin color(s) are common on the Gnome race?

They often have tan or brown skin.

Facial features

• Gnome hair is often fair coloured.
• Their hair often sticks out wildly in all directions.
• Male gnomes will often have carefully trimmed beards styled in strange and intricate ways.

Body types

Between 40 to 45 pounds.

fingerprint Traits
Traits and Abilities

Gnomes tend towards good. Some may be lawful but the more playful may be chaotic and tricky.

Strengths - What are the strengths of Gnome?

• Gnomes have a love for life and an appreciation for beauty. They are very curious.
• They have excellent senses of humour, and love jokes, puns, and pranks.
• They are willing to take risks to achieve their aims.
• They often talk very fast, tripping over their words, and though they may exclaim over others they always listen attentively.

Weaknesses - What are the weaknesses of Gnome?

• They may be foolhardy in their risktaking. They can be overly curious and impulsive.

groups Culture
Occupations - What occupations are common with Gnome individuals?

Gnomes often work as gemcutters, engineers, sages, and tinkers. They are known for their skilled craftmanship. Humans may employ gnomes as tutors. Lawful gnomes may be researchers, scholars, investigators or inventors. More chaotic gnomes may be minstrels, tricksters, wanderers or jewelers.

Traditions - What traditions are common with Gnome's individuals?

• Gnomes love names and tend to have many names; family members and clan elders will all name a gnome, as well as any nicknames they pick up as they age. Gnomes tend to pick one or two names to use around non-gnomes.

date_range History
history Changelog
edit Notes

A gnome character will often be motivated to see the world. They may:
• adventure for the love of exploration,
• be motivated by a love of gems and fine items; a quick but dangerous path to wealth,
• take too much glee or enjoyment in their adventures, annoying their companions.

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