info Overview
Name - What is Meta Humans named?

Meta Humans

Description - How would you describe Meta Humans's people?

Sub-race of Humans which have enhanced abilities/powers

Other names - What other names do Meta Humans have?

  • Supers

  • Super heroes/villains

  • Super humans

  • Enhanced individuals

face Looks
Body shape - What does the average Meta Humans body shape look like?

Varies from person to person

Skin colors - What skin color(s) are common on the Meta Humans race?

Varies from region to region

General height - How tall is the average Meta Humans?

Varies based on region and genetics

General weight - How heavy is the average Meta Humans?


Notable features - What physical features on a Meta Humans are most noticeable?

  • Simian in origin

  • Can look vastly different depending on nature of one's powers

Physical variance - How much variance is there between individuals of the Meta Humans race?


Typical clothing - What kind of clothing is common with Meta Humans individuals?

Depends on culture, religion, lifestyle, and gender (sometimes)

fingerprint Traits
Strengths - What are the strengths of Meta Humans?

  • Creativity

  • Ambition

  • Industrious

  • Competitive

Weaknesses - What are the weaknesses of Meta Humans?

  • Pride

  • Arrogance

  • Stubbornness

  • Fear of change

  • Hate

  • Prejudice on Human oppressors (possibly)



date_range History
Notable events - What events are most important to the history of Meta Humans?
edit Notes

PC: Storium

VC: Bill Wurtz

Planet chevron_right Races link linked Meta Humans

This race was created by Ryan McHugh on

See more from Ryan McHugh
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