info Overview
Name - What is Gods named?


Description - How would you describe Gods's people?

Saga is ruled over by a central pantheon of gods, the High Council, though each Council member claims dominion over various other cities and realms across the land. Almost every city of Saga bears a temple, from simple, one-room neighborhood shrines to six-story temples held up by phalanxes of marble columns. Every god has a temple in Saga, and many temples are devoted to multiple gods. Artisans continually improve the temples, swapping out broken marble or crumbling sculptures with fresh materials, and painting over grand friezes with even grander ones.

face Looks
fingerprint Traits
Strengths - What are the strengths of Gods?

Gods are typically understood to be both ageless and undying; the gods that rule over Saga now are the same ones that did when the world first formed. Even when they are injured to the point that their physical bodies no longer exist, they are able to reconfigure themselves and survive. Except for one: centuries ago, the deity Iroas Rod was slain in battle and his essence was scattered, never to reform.

groups Culture
Traditions - What traditions are common with Gods's individuals?

As an unofficial rule, gods refrain from fraternizing with mortals; though most (if not all) gods break this rule on numerous occasions. This has led to the birth of numerous demi-gods: Digimon that while lacking their parent's immortal nature, possess both a glimmer of their godly essence and a somewhat-extended lifespan. Only the now-deceased god Iroas Rod ever produced a full-god offspring.

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history Changelog
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This race was created by Yonathan Krieger on

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