info Overview
Name - What is Nephilim named?


Other names - What other names do Nephilim have?


Description - How would you describe Nephilim's people?

Children of Plu'ar and Dymon

face Looks
General weight - How heavy is the average Nephilim?

Over 300 lbs`

Notable features - What physical features on a Nephilim are most noticeable?

Wings; Varying in type (material, versatility, amount, size, etc.)

Body shape - What does the average Nephilim body shape look like?


Skin colors - What skin color(s) are common on the Nephilim race?

Ranges between dark grey and white.

General height - How tall is the average Nephilim?

No less than 5'10

fingerprint Traits
Weaknesses - What are the weaknesses of Nephilim?

Cursed Fire
Purified Salt

groups Culture
import_contacts History
history Changelog
edit Notes
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This race was created by Caelin Wonitoy on

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