info Overview
Name - What is Vampire named?


Other names - What other names do Vampire have?

Children of the Dragon (Dracula)

Description - How would you describe Vampire's people?

Those whose blood is corrupted by The Voracious's need to consume

face Looks
General height - How tall is the average Vampire?

What ever hight a human was when they changed

General weight - How heavy is the average Vampire?


Notable features - What physical features on a Vampire are most noticeable?

Lengthened canines and lack of a heart beat

Physical variance - How much variance is there between individuals of the Vampire race?

Normal human variance

fingerprint Traits
Weaknesses - What are the weaknesses of Vampire?

Although sun doesn't turn them to ash, and will eventually kill them

Strengths - What are the strengths of Vampire?

The strength of a vampire depends solely upon their age. When they are first bitten they have the same strength as when they where human. After a few months it's doubled. August that is takes years for there strength to increase

groups Culture
Economics - What does the economic situation look like for the Vampire?

Elder vampires are usually well off but some have squandered there conditional immortality

Occupations - What occupations are common with Vampire individuals?

Coven leaders

Beliefs - What beliefs are commonly held by the Vampire?

That they are a superior form of life compared to the human livestock

Favorite foods - What are the most common favorite foods of the Vampire?

Although any living blood will do. There's nothing quite like human blood

import_contacts History
history Changelog
edit Notes
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This race was created by M.R.Wright on

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