info Overview
Name - What's the name of Svudo?


Description - How would you describe Svudo?

The Sapient Council has a military complex with surrounding living centers on the surface. The Council Military controls the colonial government here and has enacted numerous controlling policies that dictate each hour of the inhabitants lives.

layers Geography
Size - How big is Svudo?

Smaller, almost no gravity

Surface - What is the surface of Svudo like?

Sand dunes

Climate - What's the climate on Svudo like?

Dense, typically humid. Results of a terraforming effort.

Weather - What's the weather like on Svudo?

Usually windy with occasional dry storms.

hourglass_empty Time
face Inhabitants
Population - What's the population like on Svudo?

1.4 million 40% human/60% Outsider

star_border Astral
timeline History
history Changelog
edit Notes
fireplace Climate

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