A green, Earth-like planet that is able to sustain life forms. Also the name of the same Universe
4,568 mi across
Like the surface of Earth. Green and mossy, with mountains and valleys.
Usually very warm, or cold. (60-80) it's never very hot or cold, unless you go to Sillawroc, near the vanish point, it will get drastically cold.
Cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowing, (can also rain flowers, and only a few times in history id it rain blood)
They have huge amounts of water. The East ocean is 100% freshwater, and the West ocean is Saltwater. nobody knows what the Vanish Point is made of.
25 hrs.
only 360 days in a year.
2 moons: Astra and Owin
All Earth's constellations
The Albanans. The Hankanese played an important role too, them being the "Latin" of Albie, but they were the third.
Albie is 2,485,934,593 years old. The more gas that was condensed, the more solid it became until it really became a planet.