info Overview
Name - What's the name of Mavella?


Description - How would you describe Mavella?

A planet with 5 continents: Meddia, Gregaxa, Vortan, Phell and Barvata; as well as several sub-continents. With an ocean dividing Meddia/Gregaxa and Vortan/ Barvata that Phell resides in.

layers Geography
Size - How big is Mavella?

36,184 mi

Surface - What is the surface of Mavella like?

It is two large landlocked masses divided by two vast oceans.

Climate - What's the climate on Mavella like?

It is very extreme.

Weather - What's the weather like on Mavella?

Rainstorms are causes of mass flooding which can send whole cities under water, haboobs cause huge amounts of damage and is fatal without proper equipment. Lightning strikes start and stop randomly for days end, and thunder is so strong it causes earthquakes. Blizzards are small ice ages.

Water Content - What's the water content like on Mavella?

50% water

Natural Resources - What natural resources are there on Mavella?




hourglass_empty Time
Length Of Day - How long is daytime on Mavella?


Length Of Night - How long is night time on Mavella?


Calendar System - What's the calendar system like on Mavella?

Barvaxian Calendar

face Inhabitants
Population - What's the population like on Mavella?

15.26 billion

star_border Astral
Moons - Does Mavella have any moons? If so, what are they?

It has two mega-moons,: Zerxes and Lobot

Orbit - What does Mavella's astral orbit look like?

It is in a retrograde orbit around a blue sun

Visible Constellations - What constellations are visible from Mavella?


date_range History
First Inhabitants Story - How did the first inhabitants arrive on this planet?

They originated as animals who evolved over 100 years due to magic.

World History - What is the world history of Mavella?

Civilization was created by a wolf goddess,Martoah, imbuing the people, creatures and land of Mavella with magic. from that point on after the (insert here) (the creation of the four tribes) the four tribes allied and refined there forms of magic:
Varthiquokxy(the Meddians and the Gregaxians, good magic), (charm magic that anyone can use) Xaytilonte( the Vorteau and the Barvatans, bad magic) Tyvetrsa(both and neutral magic).

edit Notes
fireplace Climate

This planet was created by Ryan McHugh on

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