- What is the name of Sylviation?
Type of magic
- What type of magic is Sylviation?
Elemental magic
- How would you describe Sylviation?
Allows the user to harness the powers of nature, drawing from the Sylviat Pool
- What do the visual effects of Sylviation look like?
Glowing embers on the hands of the user, colored based on the elemental effect.
- What limitations does Sylviation have? What can't it do?
Sylviation must come from nature and may only act as nature would.
Resource costs
- What resource costs are required to use Sylviation?
Draws from the Sylviat Pool, a seemingly infinite source from the Creation of the Universe.
Skills required
- What skills are required to use Sylviation?
All may access the Sylviat Pool, however harnessing one's connection with the Sylviat Pool requires years of meditation and exposure to its effects. For this reason, the majority of the population refers to medieval weaponry instead.