info Overview
Name - What is the name of Sorcery?


Description - How would you describe Sorcery?

Perception and Thoughts

flash_on Appearance
Effects - What effects does Sorcery have?

Can change perceived reality or take control of someone's thoughts

Visuals - What do the visual effects of Sorcery look like?

Strings leading from them to the Sorcerex when the mind is being controlled, items changing to seem in all ways but function like a different item

flare Effects
polymer Alignment
Element - What element is Sorcery most closely aligned to?

Mind and self, reality

lock Requirements
Limitations - What limitations does Sorcery have? What can't it do?

Linked directly to how much moonlight is visible to the naked eye; the more moons are full, the more powerful; the more moons are new, the weaker

history Changelog
edit Notes

This magic was created by Paxley O'Phinney on

See more from Paxley O'Phinney
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