info Overview
Name - What is the name of Basic Arkana?

Basic Arkana

Description - How would you describe Basic Arkana?

The vital source of power.

Type of magic - What type of magic is Basic Arkana?

Natural occurring magic.

flash_on Appearance
Visuals - What do the visual effects of Basic Arkana look like?

Various elements.

Effects - What effects does Basic Arkana have?

Any effect the user wants it to have.

flare Effects
Positive effects - What positive effects does Basic Arkana have?

Will accomplish what the user wants to do.

Neutral effects - What neutral effects does Basic Arkana have?

Drains Arkana of the user and/or environment.

Negative effects - What negative effects does Basic Arkana have?

Extremely tiring depending on the spell.

polymer Alignment
Element - What element is Basic Arkana most closely aligned to?

Fire, Air, Water, Earth.

lock Requirements
Resource costs - What resource costs are required to use Basic Arkana?


Limitations - What limitations does Basic Arkana have? What can't it do?

It cant directly kill, only harm. Whatever it does to harm, it can do to heal.

Skills required - What skills are required to use Basic Arkana?

Basic training in how to use it.

Materials required - What materials are required to use Basic Arkana?

Only needs something if the user wishes to use a spell that would use a material.

history Changelog
edit Notes

This magic was created by Alona on

See more from Alona
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