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Captain Staget's Report (14 Marp 1492)

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Police report

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Captain Staget's Report

Case: The Murder of Galvin Barnabas
Date: 14 Marpenoth 1492
Author: Captain Hyustus Staget

H2 outside blockquote

Interview: Worsashi Driltath

  • Obsessed with the sunrise

  • Seems unwell; quirky

  • Mentioned parents being murdered years ago - related?

  • No helpful details

Spoke to contact "Q"

  • Tipped me off about the meeting

  • Mentioned a good hiding spot nearby

  • Paid for information and given a new bird

Meeting near sunset

  • Set up a task force and waited in silence using the hiding spot "Q" gave me

  • Just as she said, they met right at sundown

  • After the exchange, we stormed in and surrounded them

  • One fought and tasted my blade, a drow - the other quickly surrendered

  • Upon interrogation, we discovered the items that were exchanged

    • One letter in an unknown language

    • One assassin’s dagger engraved with the symbol of the House of the Dark Blade

    • One necklace engraved with the symbol of the House of the Dark Blade

  • There were supposed to be two costumes, but the girl said they were delivered earlier than expected and were already at their new destination (where?)

  • Reluctant to say more - brought to Halls of Justice for sentencing


  • Prisoner was sentenced with espionage against the city of Waterdeep. Punishment for the crime, based on type of espionage, was determined to be death.

  • Prisoner was scheduled to be executed early in the morning

Meeting at Yawning Portal

  • Tried to contact Mr. Artemel and his fellows

  • After 9:30, I left a dossier with one of my men and headed back to the office

  • Will read more into the House of the Dark Blade and consult the Magistrate tomorrow

Prisoner Execution

  • Prisoner executed for the crime of espionage against the city of Waterdeep

  • She yelled out something in a guttural, awful-sounding language before she died, seeming defiant

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