info Overview
Name - What is Case number: 001-MHD-QM-E12H-59032z 's name?

Case number: 001-MHD-QM-E12H-59032z

Summary - In short, what happens in Case number: 001-MHD-QM-E12H-59032z ?

Eleanor Cooper is given her first case as a detective for the Boston MA police. Wanting a true test of her ability to solve crimes and not have the rag pulled from underneath her. She checks in with her boss (Thomas Grassmann), who agrees her placement is a little off.

Type - What type of lore is this?


import_contacts Content
Tone - What is the overall tone of Case number: 001-MHD-QM-E12H-59032z ?

Mercy; blood thirsty; bigger than it first appears;

Genre - What is the genre of Case number: 001-MHD-QM-E12H-59032z ?


home Setting
thumbs_up_down Truthiness
face Culture
today Origin
date_range History
file_copy Variations
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This lore was created by Adam Chanski on

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