The Wyvern of Cardoloth kingdom.
More of a children's bedtime story.
The ancient times.
The Annidaugr that desimated the kingdom hundreds of years ago. A terrifying creature the Annidaugr is...
The banishment, the heroes name, most of the story.
The way the hero trapped it, the heroes age, the heroes looks, the witches name.
The Annidaugr has taken people from their beds, and some people have even seen it. Besides, there actually is a Shadow Realm full of these creatures. And dark witches have them do their dark bidding.
Don't be bad to your parents, never commit crimes, etc...
The Shadow Realm, witches.
Parents use the Annidaugr to make their children behave. Also, people blame the Annidaugr on stolen crops and food and items, but the Annidaugr feast on corpses, just like the Cadavedemon. And the Annidaugr hates human trinkets and food.
There is not as much petty crime, but people do live in subtle fear that a dark witch will come after them with an Annidaugr.
The lore says that feast sacrifices are the only way to make peace with the Annidaugr, so every village feast, an entire cooked chicken is set out for the creature.
The lore was written because of the impact it had on the kingdom and world.
People respected it and treated the sacrifices with caution. Oftentimes, families would not eat because of the sacrifice.
Many people use it as an excuse for murder and assassination, as the Annidaugr kills its victims in their beds. Many others just use it to control their rowdy children.
The hero is made to be tall and legendary. The Annidaugr to be more terrifying than it actually is (meaning that it said it did more damage than it was actually capable of).
The kings over the years have tried to get rid of it, stamp it out, but it wasn't possible. Also, tavern keepers hate the lore because it drobe out travelers and people for years.
In the new kingdom of Cardoloth.
It was told as it was, a small boy who defeated it, but it went through many more adaptions.
The beginning of Cardoloth.
None. The story was completely true in the first telling.
The Dark witch, Morrigan Brack.
Sightings of the Annidaugr, ancient texts of the story, drawings of the Annidaugr.
This lore was created by Salem Wilson on
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