info Overview
Name - What is Myra’s full name?


Description - Describe Myra.

This large city is always bustling with people. Large stone houses make up most of the city while a large stone castle sits on the left side of the city.

Type - What type of location is Myra?

Its is a large city.

face Culture
Language - What languages are spoken in Myra?

There is a multitude of languages that are spoken in the city. The most common being English.

Sports - What sports are played in Myra?

There are jousts occasionally.

Laws - What are the laws in Myra?

Stealing and Killing is illegal. They forbid magic if it purposefully causes harm to someone or something.

Population - What is Myra’s population?

6,000 give or take

Motto - What is Myra’s motto?

Con una espada buscamos la paz
(With a sword we seek peace)

Currency - What currencies are used in Myra?


business Cities
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is Myra in?

The large city is built on a mountain top near a bay.

Climate - What is the climate like in Myra?

Often the lower areas near the base of the mountain are overcome with fog due to the salty area of the bay.

Located at - Where is Myra located?

The North-West area of Oshella.

Crops - What crops does Myra produce?

Wheat, Cabbage, Potatoes. Occasionally carrots.

book History
Notable Wars - What notable wars has Myra been involved in?

Currently taking part of the War of Kings. Has fought in several battles, the most notable one being the battle of blood.

history Changelog
edit Notes

This location was created by Krynn on

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