info Overview
Name - What is The Firelands’s full name?

The Firelands

Description - Describe The Firelands.

Most of The Firelands resides in the shadow of Mt. Perteklius, a large volcano.

Type - What type of location is The Firelands?

The Firelands is the fire-based portion of Kūrimas. Fire Mages and Fire Dragons hail from here.

face Culture
business Cities
map Geography
Crops - What crops does The Firelands produce?

None; The environment is not fit for producing crops

Climate - What is the climate like in The Firelands?

Generally in the 70's, with lukewarm winters and very hot summers

book History
Notable Wars - What notable wars has The Firelands been involved in?

The King's Overtaking

history Changelog
edit Notes

Of all towns in The Firelands, Fulki has taken the most damage in the past 2,000 years. What is known as the 'Day of Fire' took place when the King of Dragons sent all nearby Fire Dragons to decimate Fulki.


This location was created by Adrian Rhys on

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