info Overview
Name - What is Island 1578’s full name?

Island 1578

Description - Describe Island 1578.

Moderate climate, lots of vegetation/wildlife, occasionally has bad storms

Type - What type of location is Island 1578?


face Culture
Language - What languages are spoken in Island 1578?


Sports - What sports are played in Island 1578?

Whatever the inhabitants feel like playing

Laws - What are the laws in Island 1578?

Unknown, Moral code is used most here

Population - What is Island 1578’s population?


Motto - What is Island 1578’s motto?


Currency - What currencies are used in Island 1578?


business Cities
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is Island 1578 in?

The middle of the ocean?

Climate - What is the climate like in Island 1578?


Located at - Where is Island 1578 located?

The middle of the ocean

Crops - What crops does Island 1578 produce?

Berries, Apples, Most fruits

book History
Established Year - When was Island 1578 established?


Notable Wars - What notable wars has Island 1578 been involved in?


Founding Story - How was Island 1578 founded?

By a group of people looking for somewhere to perform tests. Unknown by government

history Changelog
edit Notes

This location was created by Caustic_Fraust on

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