info Overview
Name - What is The Edge of the Multiverse’s full name?

The Edge of the Multiverse

Type - What type of location is The Edge of the Multiverse?


Description - Describe The Edge of the Multiverse.

A planet where Lightning Bug and his Cultists settled to build the Infinite Empire

face Culture
Currency - What currencies are used in The Edge of the Multiverse?

Black coins with rubies in the center

Language - What languages are spoken in The Edge of the Multiverse?

Various languages

Population - What is The Edge of the Multiverse’s population?


Sports - What sports are played in The Edge of the Multiverse?

Glatorial war games

Laws - What are the laws in The Edge of the Multiverse?

Obey your Emperor

business Cities
map Geography
Climate - What is the climate like in The Edge of the Multiverse?

A mixture between pure volcano and pure rain.

Located at - Where is The Edge of the Multiverse located?

Unknown Coordinates

Crops - What crops does The Edge of the Multiverse produce?

No Crops at all. They basically pillage and plunder from other places to get their food.

book History
history Changelog
edit Notes

This location was created by SF_Ghostbuster on

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