info Overview
Name - What is Echoes University’s full name?

Echoes University

Description - Describe Echoes University.

Large college campus

Type - What type of location is Echoes University?


face Culture
Language - What languages are spoken in Echoes University?

English. Has plenty of clubs and classes dedicated to other languages.

Sports - What sports are played in Echoes University?

Plenty. Baseball is the major sport played, however, their football team is quite competitive as well

Laws - What are the laws in Echoes University?

Follows laws of New Jersey.

Population - What is Echoes University’s population?

Very large, around ~10k people. 7-3 student to faculty ratio.

Motto - What is Echoes University’s motto?

“If you believe it, you can do it.”

Currency - What currencies are used in Echoes University?

U.S. dollars.

business Cities
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is Echoes University in?

In the Pennsylvania college towns. Surrounded by road and green

Climate - What is the climate like in Echoes University?

Balanced, a little cool at times

Located at - Where is Echoes University located?

The tri-state area between Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey, but officially located in the latter of the three. College town, no other cities or towns in the area

Crops - What crops does Echoes University produce?

Echoes's gardening club produces simple vegetation primarily for on campus goods and for cooking classes/clubs

book History
Established Year - When was Echoes University established?


Notable Wars - What notable wars has Echoes University been involved in?

General rivalry with Ivy Leauge schools.

Founding Story - How was Echoes University founded?

Doesn’t matter

history Changelog
edit Notes

One of the largest schools in the country considered to be ‘prestigious’. School’s focus is mainly away from academics. IE things like engineering are not as emphasized as opposed to areas such as law, sports, or the arts.
Weighs SAT (average 1280) and ACT (average 32) less than normal, but ACT counts more. Average 3.82 GPA. ~57k tuition. Demonstration of hard work, extra circular, and leadership skills are a large part of admittance. Echoes also holds many fundraisers related to the arts and such.
Professors are generally friendly and open. Most rooms are classroom-sized, however there are some that are bigger to accommodate more students.


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