info Overview
Name - What is Southern Bear Valley’s full name?

Southern Bear Valley

Description - Describe Southern Bear Valley.

A stream flows through the center, bears come here for important meetings (which are rare since bears are solitary).

Type - What type of location is Southern Bear Valley?


face Culture
Population - What is Southern Bear Valley’s population?

as low as 5 bears to as high as 50 depending on the meeting

business Cities
map Geography
Located at - Where is Southern Bear Valley located?

south of Ember Woods

Area - What kind of area is Southern Bear Valley in?


Crops - What crops does Southern Bear Valley produce?

wild berries and flowers

Climate - What is the climate like in Southern Bear Valley?

winter-cold, snow
spring and summer-warm
fall-cool, breezy

book History
Notable Wars - What notable wars has Southern Bear Valley been involved in?

also a prominent place for many battles between a variety of animals

history Changelog
edit Notes

This location was created by Maddy McRobin on

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