info Overview
Name - What is Dorm Room #404’s full name?

Dorm Room #404

Description - Describe Dorm Room #404.

The shared dorm room of Zay and Zara. Its full of dirty clothes, chocolate wrappers, scattered papers, and an awesome friendship.

Type - What type of location is Dorm Room #404?


face Culture
Language - What languages are spoken in Dorm Room #404?

English, Pig Latin, Sarcasm.

Sports - What sports are played in Dorm Room #404?

Stilt walking, Procrastination, Juggleing responsebilitys.

Laws - What are the laws in Dorm Room #404?

  1. No hookups in the dorm room.

  2. Be respectful of eachothers sleep sceduals.

  3. Keep your stuff on your side of the room.

  4. If you take the last thing out of the fridge, you replace it.

  5. Have an open mind; share and be helpful.

  6. Respect and communication are vital components of staying sane.


Population - What is Dorm Room #404’s population?

Zay and Zara

Motto - What is Dorm Room #404’s motto?


Currency - What currencies are used in Dorm Room #404?

The US Dollar, Chocolate, Cookies.

business Cities
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is Dorm Room #404 in?

A messy, but cozy, living space.

Climate - What is the climate like in Dorm Room #404?

Perfectly warm.

Located at - Where is Dorm Room #404 located?

Harvard Collage Campus

Crops - What crops does Dorm Room #404 produce?

Completed homework, Stress, Sleep deprivation.

book History
Established Year - When was Dorm Room #404 established?


Notable Wars - What notable wars has Dorm Room #404 been involved in?

The great T-shirt debacle, The Glitter Incident.

Founding Story - How was Dorm Room #404 founded?

To people with the same first letter of there last name were matched to be in a dorm.

history Changelog
edit Notes

This location was created by Raven Silvertounge on

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