info Overview
Name - What is Rostone’s full name?


Description - Describe Rostone.

The capitol city of the 2nd Kingdom where the palace lies.

Type - What type of location is Rostone?


face Culture
Laws - What are the laws in Rostone?

  1. Do not trust any Elves

  2. Obey all other laws set in place by the rulers and their council.

Language - What languages are spoken in Rostone?


Population - What is Rostone’s population?


business Cities
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is Rostone in?

It sits near the base of the mountains and a hilly landscape extends in front of it.

Climate - What is the climate like in Rostone?

Goes through all the four seasons.

Located at - Where is Rostone located?

It is located at the right tip of the 2nd Kingdom, right in front of the moutains.

book History
Notable Wars - What notable wars has Rostone been involved in?

The Elf War

Founding Story - How was Rostone founded?

After the Elf War and the borders of the Three Kingdoms were drawn up, Rostone was established as the capitol city of the 1st Kingdom.

history Changelog
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Birthplace link linked Rostone

This location was created by dreambynight on

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