info Overview
Name - What is The 2nd Kingdom’s full name?

The 2nd Kingdom

Description - Describe The 2nd Kingdom.

The Kingdom of Humans, the 2nd Kingdom is where Humans live and prosper.

Type - What type of location is The 2nd Kingdom?


face Culture
Laws - What are the laws in The 2nd Kingdom?

  1. Do not trust any Elves

  2. Obey all other laws set in place by the rulers and their council.

Language - What languages are spoken in The 2nd Kingdom?


Population - What is The 2nd Kingdom’s population?


business Cities
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is The 2nd Kingdom in?

It has a cluster of mountains at the top that extend down the border between it and the 3rd Kingdom. The rest of the kingdom is quite hilly.

Climate - What is the climate like in The 2nd Kingdom?

They go through all the four seasons, with differences very evident.

Located at - Where is The 2nd Kingdom located?

It is the bottommost kingdom of the Three Kingdoms.

book History
Notable Wars - What notable wars has The 2nd Kingdom been involved in?

The Elf War

Founding Story - How was The 2nd Kingdom founded?

It has always been inhabited by Humans. After the Elf War, the borders of the Kingdom were established and secured, especially around the mountains that border the 1st Kingdom.

history Changelog
edit Notes

This location was created by dreambynight on

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