info Overview
Name - What is Royal Capital’s full name?

Royal Capital

Type - What type of location is Royal Capital?


Description - Describe Royal Capital.

This is the Royal Capital in which the Human Sovereign Lives, and rules over the Humans. This is also where the Royal Magic Academy is Located.

face Culture
Language - What languages are spoken in Royal Capital?


Population - What is Royal Capital’s population?

Humans, and Beast-folk slaves.

Currency - What currencies are used in Royal Capital?

Gold, SIlver, and Copper Coins

Motto - What is Royal Capital’s motto?


Laws - What are the laws in Royal Capital?

There's A set of three laws that Govern this Kingdom
{Power}- Those who are powerful are treated as Royals
{Money}- Those Who have money are held in the same regard.
{Useless}- If you have neither you will be killed.

Sports - What sports are played in Royal Capital?


business Cities
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is Royal Capital in?

Its is a Lavish Place full of life.

Crops - What crops does Royal Capital produce?

Gold Wheat, and Silver Apples.

Located at - Where is Royal Capital located?

Near the Middle of the World.

Climate - What is the climate like in Royal Capital?


date_range History
Founding Story - How was Royal Capital founded?

This Kingdom was created when the First Human Sovereign Touched the land, It erected huge Castle walls, and he claimed this land as his.

Established Year - When was Royal Capital established?

10,000 years ago from today

Notable Wars - What notable wars has Royal Capital been involved in?

The Fight against the Ancient Dragon Toozgal.

edit Notes
Character chevron_right Birthplace link linked Royal Capital

Location chevron_right Notable cities link linked Royal Capital

Location chevron_right Largest cities link linked Royal Capital

Location chevron_right Capital cities link linked Royal Capital

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