This is The World Our Main Character resides in, and its full of Mystical Creatures, and strong foes.
Riddish, English, Y'tish, and R'lerian
Full OF Humans, Elves, Beastfolk, Succubi, Demons, Angels, and other Mystical Beings.
They Use Gold, Silver, And Copper Coins.
Powerful People, Powerful Life.
A bunch of Laws about Poverty, and about useless people.
{Croxx}: A sport in which the goal is to hit a Ball into the enemy team's Target area, by using any means necessary, Powers are allowed as well.
Some Areas are really hot, some areas are really cold, and there's a area in the middle of the World that's Supposedly the Area where Desu Fought R'teh.
DIfferent fruits and veggies, parralel to earth.
In the Litnos Galaxy and it is the 2nd Planet from The Sun.
A somewhat Humid world, being that it's so close to the Sun.
This World was founded when the Founders of each race came together to make claims to land that they would become a Soveighn over.
This World was created 10,000 years ago from today.
{The Frauctis War}: In which it was an all-out race war where all races fought each other.