info Overview
Name - What is Isle of Dawn’s full name?

Isle of Dawn

Type - What type of location is Isle of Dawn?

Realm that connects to main Realm Continent

Description - Describe Isle of Dawn.

Desert, connects to Daylight Prairie but otherwise surrounded by ocean.

face Culture
Language - What languages are spoken in Isle of Dawn?


Population - What is Isle of Dawn’s population?

Barely any

Currency - What currencies are used in Isle of Dawn?

Standard universal currency

Motto - What is Isle of Dawn’s motto?

We’re just like wasteland, but without eldritch horrors around every corner.

Laws - What are the laws in Isle of Dawn?

Uh. Don’t kill people don’t uproot the few plants we have don’t go starting wars here please we don’t have an army

Sports - What sports are played in Isle of Dawn?


business Cities
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is Isle of Dawn in?

A Desert. It is the desert. Aside from Wasteland.

Crops - What crops does Isle of Dawn produce?


Located at - Where is Isle of Dawn located?

This.. this is the location. Isle of Dawn. The location.

Climate - What is the climate like in Isle of Dawn?

Dry.. moderately warm. It’s like a beach but imagine the beach stretches for hundreds of miles.

date_range History
Founding Story - How was Isle of Dawn founded?

Daylight prairie used to be the largest realm, separated by a third with an ocean. Isle of Dawn and Golden Wasteland did not exist. When the ancient spirits polluted the lands and stripped them of resources, nearly two-thirds of Prairie turned to desert. Part of the desert over the sea became ravaged with further pollution, wars, and death. This was called the Golden Wasteland. The untouched desert nearest prairie was renamed Isle of Dawn.

Established Year - When was Isle of Dawn established?

..after the ancients ruined it and made it a desert and renamed it because “Daylight Prairie” no longer fit the description?

Notable Wars - What notable wars has Isle of Dawn been involved in?

Ancient War against Darkness, minimal part.

edit Notes

laughs in how do I make a location


This location was created by Echo on

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