The city is the heart of Aphrodus, larger and higher up than the rest of Aphrodus
Aphrogo - the native language of the people. There are no differences in speech outside of dialect differences across the populace.
60,000 people, most of whom are high-class individuals.
The currency in this city (as well as the rest of the populace) is strictly coin, so that no one can sneak money around. The coins are light-weight, therefore easy to move and jingle against one another. The coins are a rose gold color and have the capital's motto impressed onto it.
「Freedom is given, not taken.」
The same as the laws in the rest of Aphrodus.
The only sports played at this location are blood sports (these athletes are considered the highest class entertainers in the sports field).
Intense matches in which only one player can be the winner, take place here, there are practically no rules. Simply beat the opponent and win. The winner has the opportunity to challenge whoever they want, and it is up to the officials to approve or deny them permission.
Libepoli is a fairly nice, modern looking area. It is in great contrast to the rest of the country, which looks barren and uncared for.
None. All crops are produced outside of Libepoli.
Naturally, it's dry, and hot most of the year, especially the ground, with the ground being hot enough to burn someone if they walk on it barefoot for long enough.
However, the city has pipes installed that run underneath the surface of the city, it pumps 4 degree (Celsius) waters through the grounds surface.
Libepoli was founded a mere 6 months (Terma months, which are the same length as Earth months) after the War for Freedom was won by the forming Vi-koku. Its name is a portmanteau of liber (free) and poli (city).
It was established to become the center of technological advancements across the nation.
Unknown, it is widely disputed between historians of Aphrpdus.