info Overview
Name - What is Omaha Nebraska’s full name?

Omaha Nebraska

Description - Describe Omaha Nebraska.

Omaha was the most populated city in Nebraska and was called the Gateway of the west. Now it's a ghost city with very few groups and people in general still in the ruins But there is hope for it. The Railway still is useable.

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NAR Expeditionary: The NAR have set up in Omaha to see if they can make use of the Railroad. They based themselves in the Offut airbase. They also are trying to scavenge the Navy museum

The Pioneers. The Pioneers are a small group that's trying to protect what's left of Nebraska and are scouting out for possible settlement areas. Their Omaha base is in the Remnants of the Pioneer Courage Park. Which it's Statues have become mostly buried or rusted.

Cecilia Group: A small band of Christians they are possibly the only group native to Omaha. Based in the Cecilia cathedral

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