info Overview
Name - What is Lemage Town’s full name?

Lemage Town

Description - Describe Lemage Town.

Lemage Town, also just known as Lemage, is well-known for producing a significant amount of fine honey, delivering and supplying companies from Astra City, and rendering job opportunities for delivery, packaging, and shipping intents. Another feat of Lemage is their unbelievable population of mages, from children to adults. Furthermore, according to the townsfolk, it was constructed and unified to commemorate Lea the Lightning, one of the most remarkable mages to ever exist.

The town thrived through Lea's innovations and grasp of magic, having a pride focusing on her. Eventually, to memorialize her historical influence on magic, they named the town before her. Lea the Mage was shortened to "lemage", giving the town its name. Moreover, she improved and made breakthroughs in magic like no other, such as Magic Compression and Magic Amassing. In addition, Lea created the Abandoned Tower where she established magic education for potential mages and proposed experiments involving teams of mages leading to perfection.

Numerous inventions were innovated there and students foremost credited Lea, displaying her influence and expertise. Alas, due to unknown circumstances, it was abandoned. But in remorse for themselves, they formed a settlement just for the new generation of mages, and to send their reverence to Lea, their master/mentor.

Lemage's culture is primarily derived from the moon, religiously worshipping someone connected to it. Ethnic banners can be seen suspended in front of houses parallel to doors and/or windows, with a large crescent encircling a dot resembling the sun. Historically, the culture was only about longing for an individual who will be reincarnated in the future, according to the town's headman. But due to unknown circumstances, it was changed to signify that figure as the moon as well.

Type - What type of location is Lemage Town?


map Geography
Located at - Where is Lemage Town located?
Climate - What is the climate like in Lemage Town?

Tropical and temperate

Crops - What crops does Lemage Town produce?

Culinary and medical herbs

face Culture

- Elvish
- English

Laws - What are the laws in Lemage Town?


star Facts

The townsfolk [Lemiams] prejudice Candians as unruly, ruinous brutes and/or half-baked delinquents, selfish for power, and are not to be accepted in the Lemage.

Established Year - When was Lemage Town established?

Approximately 44,900 years ago


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