info Overview
Name - What is East Tully’s full name?

East Tully

Type - What type of location is East Tully?

Mountain village

Description - Describe East Tully.

Port village in the Eastern Mountains by the Oaranoe River

face Culture
Language - What languages are spoken in East Tully?


Population - What is East Tully’s population?

5000-10000 people

Motto - What is East Tully’s motto?


Laws - What are the laws in East Tully?

the basic laws of any good nation

map Geography
Area - What kind of area is East Tully in?

In the mountains by the central valley and a big river

Located at - Where is East Tully located?

Eastern Welven

Climate - What is the climate like in East Tully?

mild summers and freezing winters, especially with cold fronts coming off the river

date_range History
Founding Story - How was East Tully founded?


Established Year - When was East Tully established?


Notable Wars - What notable wars has East Tully been involved in?


edit Notes

This location was created by kay on

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