info Overview
Name - What is Dallas City’s full name?

Dallas City

Type - What type of location is Dallas City?


Description - Describe Dallas City.

The city of Dallas was a metropolis prewar. the city was known for its history in oil but it became filled with banks and other companies.

Nuke Detonation: Pemberton Hill Road Side of Blair Park

business Cities
face Culture
folder_open Faction

Cow Cultists: A neutral Group the Cow cult is a cult in the Dallas convention center ruins that worships the 49 Bronze Cow statues thinking they were altars to a Cow god. And it wasnt helpful when they found the Golden bull excerpt from the Bible

Texan Rangers: The Rangers are dedicated to rebuilding Texas and has plans to make it its own country. Based in Reunion Tower.

The Cult of Nasher: A newer faction the Nasher cult are a sadistic cult that believes the (remaining) Nasher statues are supernatural beings who if certain heads are put on them they will rise again. They are based in a scrapmade Church around the sculptures

NAR Western Section: NAR trying to make a foothold in Texas but the Dallas group is here for the aircraft museum in hopes for finding usable military aircraft. But are willing to support Rangers in taking dallas back. Based in the Frontiers Aircraft museum. And have a post in the Cavanaugh.

Opera Guild: A small group dedicated to preserving the art of theater and Opera. they are wanderers but have a hub in Southfork

map Geography
edit Notes
date_range History
folder_open Settlements

Perot: a Indoor settlement Perot is Built in the Perot Museum of nature. thanks to its Self Sustaining tech surviving the apocalypse the settlement has been able to survive.

SouthFork: a large settlement in the Southfork ranch and are allied with rangers


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