Morglin Island
The ruins of an ancient war off the southwest coast of Arbas Gaeltih.
Approximately 1000 permanent residents plus a small contingent of about 50 from Arbas Gaelith conducting "research".
Morglin is an island largely isolated in the northwestern area of the archipelago. The waters around Morglin seem dark and lifeless, as does the air that hovers over it. Morglin is in a constant state of death.
A moderately sized island about 60 miles from the southwest coast of Arbas Gaelith.
The island is covered in a stale haze of gloom. Echoes seem to linger in that gloom from some otherworldly source. The land is stunted and warped. The water and air currents act as though the island is set apart from the natural ecology of the archipelago.
This location was created by Richard Reade on
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